Physiotherapeutic performance and quality of life of patients with spinal cord injury: an integrative review




Physical Therapy Specialty. Quality of life. Spinal Cord Injuries.


INTRODUCTION: Spinal cord trauma (MRT) is altered by a spinal cord injury, which generates changes in motor and sensory functions. In view of these changes that are compromised as the health conditions of patients, physical therapy acts in the rehabilitation of these patients. OBJECTIVE: To review the scientific literature and analyze physical activity in the quality of life of patients affected by SCI. METHODS: This is an integrative literature review with the search for articles in the databases: Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), Virtual Health Library (VHL), Latin American and Caribbean Literature (LILACS) and PubMed, with the use of the crossing of three descriptors in English and Portuguese indexed respectively in Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) and Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCS). Studies published from January 2015 to May 2020 were included. RESULTS: The search resulted in 8 qualified articles to compose the scope of this review. It was found that physiotherapy works with several approaches, such as aerobic exercises, use of virtual reality (VR), electrostimulation, among others. The conducts found in beneficial studies beneficial in the quality of life of individuals affected by TRM. CONCLUSIONS: It was found that several physiotherapeutic approaches can contribute to a better quality of life for patients with SCI, with specialized professional monitoring being extremely important for the physical and psychological well-being of these patients.


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Author Biography

  • Francisco Valter Miranda Silva, Fisioterapeuta graduado pelo Centro Universitário Ateneu (UNIATENEU), Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil.
    Fisioterapeuta graduado pelo Centro Universitário UniAteneu, atualmente é extensionista da Liga Acadêmica Multidisciplinar de Gerontologia da UniAteneu, membro pesquisador do Grupo de Pesquisa e Estudo da Dor e Alterações Locomotoras- GEDAL/UNIFOR, membro do Grupo de Pesquisa: Laboratório de Práticas Coletivas em Saúde – LAPRACS (UECE), membro da comissão acadêmica da Sociedade Brasileira de Fisioterapia-SBF. Durante a graduação participou de atividades de extensões dentre elas, organização de eventos acadêmicos e do programa de monitoria da UniAteneu, nas disciplinas: Cinesiologia e Biomecânica, Fisiologia Humana, Microbiologia e Imunologia, Saúde coletiva e epidemiologia e Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso I. Interesse em Atuação e pesquisa na área de Saúde coletiva e reabilitação.





Literature Reviews

How to Cite

Silva FVM, Silva ANJ, Castro DMP de, Ribeiro RP, Sales T de O, Nunes PP de B. Physiotherapeutic performance and quality of life of patients with spinal cord injury: an integrative review. Rev Pesq Fisio [Internet]. 2020 Nov. 27 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];10(4):746-53. Available from:

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