Impact of accessibility on adherence to physiotherapeutic treatment of people living with tropical spastic paraparesy: qualitative study




Accessibility, Treatment adherence, HAM/TSP, Physiotherapy, Qualitative research


INTRODUCTION: Tropical Spastic Paraparesis / Myelopathy Associated with HTLV-1 (HAM / TSP) presents chronic degenerative changes that compromise individuals in their daily activities, especially those related to locomotion. Accessibility is an important means of adhering to physical therapy for all these people. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the impact of accessibility on adherence to physical therapy treatment in people infected with HTLV-1 with HAM / TSP. METHOD: a study with a qualitative approach, with 38 participants, over 18 years old, with a confirmed diagnosis of HAM / TSP. Those with difficulty understanding the questionnaires or communicating were excluded. For the collection of information, 11 focus groups and 12 semi-structured changes were performed. The researcher herself recorded and then transcribed the statements. The analysis of thematic-Categorial content systematized the information. RESULTS: After analyzing the focus groups and related, the following categories emerged: access difficulty, external dependence (climatic/accompanying), financial dependence, and dependence on medical appointments. CONCLUSION: The precariousness of infrastructure and accessibility in the city of Salvador, in addition to the economic condition, climate change, and difficulties in accessing the Unified Health System, directly impact adherence to physical therapy treatment. Failure to attend physical therapy can affect the evolution of treatment and the health of this population.


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How to Cite

Reis A, Nunes Sá K, Márcia Dubois Mendes S, Oliveira Santana G. Impact of accessibility on adherence to physiotherapeutic treatment of people living with tropical spastic paraparesy: qualitative study. Rev Pesq Fisio [Internet]. 2021 Nov. 29 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];11(4):766-73. Available from:

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