Access characteristics of children with microcephaly to physiotherapy services
Access to health services, Rehabilitation, Microcephaly, PhysiotherapyAbstract
INTRODUCTION: The "congenital Zika syndrome" comprises a set of signs and symptoms presented by children born to infected mothers during pregnancy. Newborns affected by microcephaly present alterations in their neuropsychomotor development. Thus, the rehabilitation process becomes essential for the development of children. OBJECTIVE: From this perspective, it is necessary to consider access in its broad domain and understand the characteristics of children with microcephaly, born in 2015 and 2016, access to physical therapy services. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study, with a quantitative approach, with a descriptive character. A questionnaire validated by four experts was used, collecting information about the socioeconomic and clinical characteristics, identification of the time between the referral of children, and the characteristics of access to rehabilitation. RESULTS: The sample of this study consisted of 103 caregivers of children with microcephaly. It was observed that 93.2% of the children were referred to seek the physiotherapy service and sought care. However, not all children remained in rehabilitation. Children who had continuous access and those who discontinued care at some point similarly presented themselves concerning the frequency of treatment, physical therapy in more than one service, duration of the session, expenditure of payment for exams, and interference in the professional activity with the child's treatment. CONCLUSION: Those who remained in uninterrupted access had greater assistance from the municipality for displacement, in addition to the opportunity for assistance from the caregiver support network, enhancing the maintenance of care.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Danyelle Nóbrega de Farias, Robson da Fonseca Neves , Geraldo Eduardo Guedes de Brito , Emanuelle Silva de Mélo , Larissa Duarte de Britto Lira , Letícia Mylena Guedes Souza, João Agnaldo do Nascimento, Kátia Suely Queiroz Silva Ribeiro
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