Insertion and performance of the resident physiotherapist in an obstetric center: experience report




Physical Therapy Modalities, Labor, Obstetric, Delivery Rooms


INTRODUCTION: The obstetric center (OC) is a sector designed to welcome pregnant women in labor to undergo natural childbirth or cesarean section. Physiotherapeutic intervention helps the woman in labor to deal with the changes that occur in the body during childbirth, using non-pharmacological techniques and resources to alleviate pain, as well as suggesting childbirth postures. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to report on the insertion and performance of a physiotherapist resident in OC. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This is an experience report from a physiotherapist resident of the Multiprofessional Residency Program in Hospital Health, in the OC sector. It was carried out between September and October 2023, at the HGRS maternity ward, in the city of Salvador - Bahia. RESULTS: The resident physiotherapist was added to the multidisciplinary team, working under the supervision of the physiotherapist/preceptor, scheduled on the day of the shift. During labor, non-pharmacological measures were offered to alleviate pain and pelvic mobility exercises were suggested, as well as childbirth postures. In the immediate childbirth period, many parturient women reported how important it was to have a physiotherapist at this point in their lives, making comparisons with previous childbirths in which they did not have this type of assistance. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: The resident physiotherapist had complete autonomy to suggest actions to parturient women, combining theory and practice, resulting in effective labor childbirth, contributing to the quality of the service provided. This experience also contributed to professional growth and awakening to a field of physiotherapy that is still little explored.



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Experience Reports

How to Cite

Lopes Alves Santos F, Sales de Castro D. Insertion and performance of the resident physiotherapist in an obstetric center: experience report. Intern J Educ H [Internet]. 2024 Oct. 4 [cited 2025 Mar. 26];8:e5766. Available from:

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