Exploring the socioeconomic and dietary reality in disadvantaged communities: experience report





Medical Education, Social Vulnerability, Human Right to Adequate Food


INTRODUCTION:  The urban concentration of medical schools limits students' exposure to rural challenges, hindering the implementation of guidelines aimed at humanizing professional education. Thus, there is a need for academic activities that address such demands, particularly regarding rural endemic diseases. OBJECTIVES: To report the experience of medical students with home clinical visits to families in socioeconomically disadvantaged conditions in the municipality of São Benedito do Sul, PE. METHOD: Resources obtained from food sales and donations from Procape/UPE resident doctors covered the transportation and accommodation of twelve students and a supervisor. With the assistance of a local Community Health Agent, five families were selected. Forms were applied to collect complaints related to any diseases, dietary content, and housing conditions, in addition to performing physical examination and an electrocardiogram. RESULTS: There was significant precariousness regarding housing and access to healthcare. The total income was on average less than the minimum wage, while education ranged from illiteracy to incomplete elementary education. The households lacked access to showers or toilets. Corn-derived products with processed meat were the staple food, with sporadic consumption of beans, chicken, or eggs. Numerous reports were recorded regarding the precarious state of free healthcare assistance. CONCLUSION: The project experience was crucial in constructing a critical understanding of the expanded concept of health. It was evident that the Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) does not fully meet the region's demands. A reassessment of the quality of local medical care is necessary to meet the residents' needs.


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Experience Reports

How to Cite

Cardoso VCG, Leite JGA, de Carli RC, Farias SCL, Barros M das ND da S. Exploring the socioeconomic and dietary reality in disadvantaged communities: experience report. Intern J Educ H [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 21 [cited 2024 Oct. 22];8:e5614. Available from: https://www5.bahiana.edu.br/index.php/educacao/article/view/5614

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