Competency-based education as a framework for the systematization of academic monitors instruction




Competency-Based Education, Medical Education, Mentoring


INTRODUCTION: The monitor is an agent of the teaching-learning process in higher education in Brazil. Teaching monitoring programs can impact the monitor's learning, the learning of the students monitored, and the quality of teaching practice. However, there are few publications on this subject, and more evidence is needed to indicate the best methods for monitoring programs to reach their potential. OBJECTIVES: To report the experience of planning and developing a systematization of the instruction of academic monitors using the principles of competency-based medical education as a framework. EXPERIENCE REPORT: The monitor's instruction was structured in three steps: 1) Identification and definition of the desired competencies; 2) Selection of activities and methodologies; 3) Evaluation. For the first step, the authors listed technical-professional competencies and competencies for the 21st century. For step 2, active participation and peer collaboration were prioritized. For step 3, moments of active listening were planned and carried out, prioritizing metacognition and self-regulation. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: The systematization of a competency-based instructional path can facilitate the acquisition of knowledge, abilities, and attitudes by the academic monitor and, consequently, benefit the entire structure of higher education. Future investigative studies are needed to assess the extent of this impact. 



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Experience Reports

How to Cite

Pugliese LS, Moura AP. Competency-based education as a framework for the systematization of academic monitors instruction. Intern J Educ H [Internet]. 2024 Mar. 19 [cited 2025 Mar. 26];8:e5443. Available from:

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