Epidemiological profile of COVID-19 in children in Acre from 2020 to 2022





Child, COVID-19, Acute Respiratory Syndrome, Notifiable Disease


OBJECTIVE: To describe the epidemiological profile of COVID-19 in children in the state of Acre from 2020 to 2022. METHODS: A retrospective, cross-sectional, population-based study was conducted. Data collection was performed through the Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação – SINAN (Notifiable Diseases Information System) of the Acre State Health Department. RESULTS: During the study period, 9063 cases of COVID-19 were reported in children, with a predominance in the municipality of Rio Branco (3.880/43%). The majority occurred in the age group between 1 and 9 years (5.523/61%). The frequency was equal for both sexes, 50% each. The highest number of cases was reported in the brown race/ethnicity category (6.800/75%). In 2022, an increase in the disease was observed, totaling 4.857 cases. Regarding diagnostic tests, the antigen rapid test stood out (5.136/57%). The vast majority recovered (8.836/97%). Thirteen deaths occurred, predominantly in girls (8/62%), children under 1 year of age (6/46%), and of brown race/ethnicity (7/54%), with the majority in the year 2020 (6/46%). CONCLUSION: The results highlighted a significant number of COVID-19 cases in children in the state of Acre, although a small number of deaths occurred.



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Original Articles

How to Cite

da Costa RSL, da Costa PRL, Andrade TF, de Souza VC. Epidemiological profile of COVID-19 in children in Acre from 2020 to 2022. Rev Enf Contemp [Internet]. 2024 May 21 [cited 2024 Dec. 21];13:e5501. Available from: https://www5.bahiana.edu.br/index.php/enfermagem/article/view/5501

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