Conhecimento das enfermeiras de um município baiano sobre as práticas integrativas e complementares em saúde




Nursing, Integrative Practices, Primary Care


OBJECTIVES: To analyze the knowledge about Integrative and Complementary Practices in Health (PICS) on the part of Primary Care nurses in the city of Santo Estêvão - BA. METHODS AND MATERIALS: This is a field study, with a qualitative approach, with fifteen nurses from the Family Health Units of the aforementioned municipality. Data collection took place in two stages using a questionnaire and semi-structured interview. Descriptive analysis was used for the questionnaire data and content analysis for the interview data. RESULTS: The nurses in the municipality do not have training to work with PICS, as well as demonstrate little depth of knowledge of the practices and still reinforce biomedical arguments to justify them in the SUS. Despite this, they recognize the potential of PICS in complementary care and humanized care, and point out as challenges and impossibilities for the materialization of a municipal policy the gaps in specialized training and the absence of financial incentives. CONCLUSION: It is recognized the potential of nurses in the city of Santo Estêvão - BA, sensitized and mobilized for the process of discussion on the implementation of PICS as therapeutic resources that can expand the health care of the entire assisted community.


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Original Articles

How to Cite

Rios PS dos R, Novaes AL, dos Santos IB, Ribeiro MA de J, Barboni VG de AV. Conhecimento das enfermeiras de um município baiano sobre as práticas integrativas e complementares em saúde. Rev Enf Contemp [Internet]. 2022 Jul. 25 [cited 2024 Oct. 6];11:e4476. Available from:

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