Psychoanalytic reflections about the maternal bond in the constitution of the subject




psychoanalysis, development, subject


The present work aims to reflect on the elements that present themselves in the development of the subject, characterizing the parental relationships and their implication in the formation of the subject. This is a literature review study with psychoanalytical theoretical sections made through books and classical texts of psychoanalysis, aiming to answer how the parental relationships, especially the maternal bond, contribute to the constitution of the subject and analyze the relevance of such a link to psychoanalytic clinical practice. The method used in this work was the bibliographical research with as its subject the psychoanalytic theory, to which it guided the work. The main authors used were Sigmund Freud, Donald Winnicott and Juliet Jerunsalinsky. This study became relevant because it discusses the dynamics involved in the constitution of the subject relating development to parental functions. In clinical practice, it is possible to listen to the signifiers that constitute the subject throughout development and, as a consequence, to provide a re-signification of the resulting conflicts.


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Author Biographies

  • Ana Alice Fugimoto Saruwatari, UniFil - Centro Universitário Filadélfia
    Psicóloga e docente Especialista Atuo na Clínica psicológica Docente de Psicologia UniFil - Centro Universitário Filadélfia.
  • Vera Lucia Gaviglia, UniFil – Centro Universitário Filadélfia.
    UniFil – Centro Universitário Filadélfia. Pós-graduanda em Psicoterapia psicanalítica. Psicóloga Clínica e Psicanalista. Londrina, Paraná, Brasil.
  • Camila de Araujo Antonio, UniFil – Centro Universitário Filadélfia.

    Mestranda em Psicologia pela UEL (desde 2017). Especialista em Psicodinâmica do Trabalho pela UNB (2009), Psicomotricidade Ramain-Thiers, pelo CESIR/RJ (2008) e Psicologia Clínica Psicanalítica pela UEL (2005). Graduação pela UniFil - Centro Universitário Filadélfia de Londrina (2002.) Membro fundadora da Associação Livre - Psicanálise em Londrina .  Endereço para acessar este CV:







Review Studies

How to Cite

Saruwatari, A. A. F., Gaviglia, V. L., & Antonio, C. de A. (2018). Psychoanalytic reflections about the maternal bond in the constitution of the subject. Revista Psicologia, Diversidade E Saúde, 7(3), 479-492.

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