Syphilis in pregnant women in Acre: an analysis of the period from 2015 to 2020


  • Ruth Silva lima da Costa União Educacional do Norte - UNINORTE
  • Gerlane Silva Cavalcante
  • Maria Dulcilene do Nascimento Araujo de Paula
  • Natiele Silva Nascimento
  • Matilde da Silva Conceição
  • Christopher Wando da Silva Souza



Syphilis. Treponemal Infections. Pregnant. Notification of Diseases.


OBJECTIVE: To describe cases of syphilis in pregnant women in the state of Acre from 2015 to 2020. METHOD: This is a descriptive ecological study using secondary data available on the website of the Information Department of the Unified Health System - DATASUS, tabulated from the TABNET whose variables used were: year of notification, level of education, age group, race/color, clinical classification, gestational age, and treatment regimen. RESULTS: 2443 cases were reported in the period, and most were aged between 20 and 29 years, 1146 (47%), with incomplete primary education 677 (28%) and brown race/color 1983 (81%). The disease had its highest peak in 2018, with the notification of 627 (26%) cases, showing a reduction from this year. As for the clinical classification, most were classified as primary syphilis 900 (37%), diagnosed in the 1st trimester of pregnancy 876 (36%). As for the treatment scheme used, the one without information in the system predominated 1891 (77.4%), and among the available data, penicillin was the antibiotic of choice 529 (21.7%). CONCLUSION: it was found that the cases of syphilis in Acre showed a reduction in the last year analyzed, which may be related to the low frequency of prenatal care due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Young women were affected and classified as primary syphilis in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. 


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Author Biography

  • Ruth Silva lima da Costa, União Educacional do Norte - UNINORTE
    Enfermeira, Graduada pela Universidade Federal do Acre (UFAC). Mestre em Ciências da Saúde também pela UFAC. Atua como Enfermeira na Secretaria de Estado de Saúde do Acre ( SESACRE), no cargo de Gerente da Unidade Técnica de Saúde e como Docente nos cursos de Medicina e Enfermagem da União Educacional do Norte ? UNINORTE. Tem experiência na área de Enfermagem, com ênfase em Gestão e Planejamento em Saúde, Atenção Integral á Saúde da Mulher, Criança e Adolescente e Saúde Coletiva. É revisora de periódicos científicos na área de saúde coletiva. Atualmente tem se dedicado a pesquisa com potencial interesse em produtos derivados de plantas amazônicas com efeito curativo ou preventivo em doenças metabólicas e cicatrização de feridas.





Original Articles

How to Cite

da Costa RS lima, Silva Cavalcante G, de Paula MD do NA, Nascimento NS, Conceição M da S, Souza CW da S. Syphilis in pregnant women in Acre: an analysis of the period from 2015 to 2020. Rev Enf Contemp [Internet]. 2021 Aug. 16 [cited 2024 Dec. 21];10(2):233-40. Available from:

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