Code of ethics in Psychology and ethics of existential-phenomenological inspiration: a current and necessary dialogue


  • Danielle de Gois Santos Caldeira Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (Natal). Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil.
  • Elza Maria do Socorro Dutra Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (Natal). Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil.
  • Cíntia Guedes Bezerra Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (Natal). Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil.



Ethics., Code of Ethics. , Existential Phenomenology. , Psychology.


OBJECTIVE: This article intended to build reflections on ethics from the Psychology code of ethics and Existential Phenomenological ethics, inspired by Martin Heidegger’s Phenomenology and in his studies on Ontology. METHOD: The article inserts in the qualitative, theoretical, original, exploratory, and descriptive research modality, whose research method rescue in Heidegger’s hermeneutic phenomenology a comprehensive reading of ethics from the studies of canonical texts on the theme of ethics and the deontological codes that regulate and support professions, for example, the code of ethics of Psychology. Methodological possibilities for comprehensive reading settled on the phenomenological method emphasize that the Heideggerian hermeneutic circle does not admit that prior conditions for describing and understanding phenomena are clear and unalterable. So, the methodological possibilities seek articulate components of the hermeneutic circle: previous position, previous vision, and previous conception in the sense of approaching the provisionality of the phenomenon of ethics. DISCUSSION: The objectives of this study are demonstrable of the investigated problem: how are possible reflections on ethics in Psychology from dialogues since a code of ethics in Psychology and existential-phenomenological ethics? So, we admit ethics distinct from morals and problematize the usual way in which ethics is summarized, in Psychology, by the Code of Ethics, expanding our reflections on the ways of being ethical and privileging approximations to the phenomenon of ethics. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: This work points out other ways of reflecting on ethics and contributes to a comprehensive approach to ethical issues to be prioritized in Psychology practices, including approaching the ethics of everyday human relations.


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Review Studies

How to Cite

Caldeira, D. de G. S., Dutra, E. M. do S., & Bezerra, C. G. (2021). Code of ethics in Psychology and ethics of existential-phenomenological inspiration: a current and necessary dialogue. Revista Psicologia, Diversidade E Saúde, 10(3), 469-483.

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