About the Journal
The Journal of Physiotherapy Research (JPR) encompasses papers resulting from original scientific research on physiotherapy and related fields. The mission of the JPR is to foster Physiotherapy both as a profession and as a science domain of evidence based research, promoting the accuracy of the kinetic functional diagnosis, cost-effective practices and innovation through the development of techniques, equipment, procedures and intervention protocols. Therefore, it serves clinical professionals, health service users and providers, members of the academe and regulatory bodies. Committed to ethics and scientific integrity, it extends the security and quality of its published information and strengthens open science policies.
Since 2022, submissions accepted for publication by the scientific editors will be made available online as soon as they are copyedited and layout-edited (“Continuous Article Publishing” model). This process, for each accepted paper, takes up to four weeks. Publication of newly accepted submissions stops in December, when the publishing cycle restarts for the following year's volume.
Read our our editorial policies here.