Learning based on virtual cases as support for a curricular module in the medical course





Medical Education, Virtual Simulation , Teaching technologies, 360 Patient Platform


CONTEXT: This is an experience report on learning based on virtual cases as support for the curricular module of the Medicine course at a private educational institution in Salvador-Bahia-Brazil. By recognizing that students must carry out simulations/experiments, the possibility emerges of putting clinical case studies into practice with virtual support, as a strategy to promote the training of future doctors. INTERVENTION: In this report, the teaching-learning strategy from the year 2007 is addressed in a curricular component of the 6th semester, whose main educational objective is the development of clinical reasoning. RESULTS: This report is built on the experience of the teacher-observer-participant, who worked from planning and initial implementation to the current reformulation, with the introduction of technological innovations. The “Integrated Clinic II” curricular component, applied in the 6th semester of the medical degree, gained, in 2007, the virtual case resource to support the development of clinical reasoning and guarantee the prior study of clinical cases before the face-to-face moment. In 2021, to incorporate and maintain, beyond the pandemic, technological innovations carried out over time, the Patient 360 virtual simulator resource was introduced. CONCLUSION: The scenario of technological innovation does not conflict with the principles and objectives of education and practices in health services, being important adjuvants for teachers today, which is demonstrated in this report.



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Experience Reports

How to Cite

Caldas N, Aleluia IMB, Menezes M, Silva MG, Santos GR, Aguiar CVN. Learning based on virtual cases as support for a curricular module in the medical course. Intern J Educ H [Internet]. 2024 Mar. 19 [cited 2025 Mar. 26];8:e5410. Available from: https://www5.bahiana.edu.br/index.php/educacao/article/view/5410

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