Characteristics of physicians graduated from the stricto sensu graduate course in Homeopathy
Homeopathy, Physicians, Course, TeachingAbstract
INTRODUCTION: The incorporation of complementary medical practices with health services acts as an adjuvant, expanding the efficacy and effectiveness of the medical act in several areas of activity and specialties. The homeopathic method offers the possibility of using medication based on the totality of the symptoms of the case. In potentiated and diminished doses, these medicines are able to radically and permanently remove all the morbid symptoms of the disease, transforming it into health. OBJECTIVE: To describe the characteristics of the population and learn about the main reasons for choosing the course by physicians who graduated from the Specialization Course in Homeopathy in the state of Bahia. METHOD: This is an exploratory and descriptive study with a qualitative approach. Telepresence interviews were conducted with participating physicians, whose data were treated according to Bardin’s thematic analysis technique. RESULTS: The results showed that egress physicians were aged 49.3 years on average, female, with up to 29 years of graduation, and Spiritism religion. The main reasons for choosing the course were personal experience, additional training, restlessness, and the limitation of allopathy. Changes in medical anamnesis were identified with the use of the Laws of Cure and Biopathography. CONCLUSION: The need for a lifestyle change and self-criticism to know how to deal with prejudices inherent to the specialty was affirmed. There are few homeopathy teaching courses in Brazil, and a complete doctor’s training, which includes homeopathic training in integrative practices, can mean more complete and more humanized medical care, with less suffering for the patient.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Marcia Sacramento Cunha Machado, Monica da Cunha Oliveira, Mary Gomes Silva

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.