Student evaluation of debriefing of simulation in clinical skills on a medicine course at Salvador/BA
Debriefing, Simulation, Medical Education, StudentsAbstract
BACKGROUND: Simulation is a technique used for reproduce real-world situations. When liked to debriefing, allows students to make reflections on the medical care, and the teacher as a knowledge facilitator. Thus, a technical evaluation by the students is of great value, enabling the improvement of teaching and, consequently, of practices in the health area. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the debriefing of the simulation by medical students. METHODOLOGY: This is an analytical/descriptive, cross-sectional observational analysis, carried out in the years 2019 and 2020, based on the Debriefing Experience Scale applied to medical school students from a private college in Salvador - BA. This study included all students of the 5th semester of medicine in the 2019.1 period, who were present in the “dementia” scenario of the simulation activity of the curricular component “Medical Semiology”. For the composition of the final sample, questionnaires with insufficient information with possible impairment of the analysis were excluded. In the statistical analysis, frequency and proportion of each of the forty variables were performed. RESULTS: 109/110 students answered the questionnaires in a valid way. In the analysis of educational practices through the Debriefing Experience Scale, between 54.1 - 91.7% fully agree with the twenty items of the scale. At least, between 78,9 - 97.2%, affirm the great importance of the respective stages during debriefing. CONCLUSION: The findings of this study demonstrated that debriefing was of high quality after educational simulation practices, in the conception of medical students.
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