Physical-functional and cardiorrespiratory analysis of waiting list patients for the renal transplantation: cross-sectional study


  • Daniela da Silva Martins
  • Paula Caitano Fontela
  • Maria Leocadia Bernardes do Amaral Padilha
  • Eliane Roseli Winkelmann Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul.



Kidney transplantation. Renal insufficiency. Chronic health evaluation. Physical Therapy Specialty. Walk test.


INTRODUCTION: For the treatment of chronic kidney disease patients require hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis while they wait for a kidney transplant waiting list. Despite advances in dialysis procedures, the patients who undergo this treatment have low physical condition and comorbidities that influence waiting time. OBJECTIVE: To describe the physical characteristics, anthropometric and cardiorespiratory of patients on the waiting list for renal transplantation, as well as to analyze the variables according to waiting list time and disease diagnosis time. METHODS AND MATERIALS: A cross-sectional, descriptive and analytical study submitted and approved by the Research Ethics Committee of UNIJUÍ, report No. 1.992.013. Eleven patients registered at Ijuí Charity Hospital were evaluated for data on kidney disease and its treatment, waiting list time, cardiovascular risk factors, lower limb muscle resistance, muscle strength respiratory and submaximal functional capacity. RESULTS: Eleven patients were evaluated: 54.5% female, average age 51.9 ± 11.4 years, 45.5% had hypertensive renal disease, diagnosis time of 84.0 (48.0-180.0) months, 90.9% underwent hemodialysis an average of 15.0 (8.0-41.0) months and were on the waiting list for 12.0 (6.0-32.0) months. The most prevalent cardiovascular risk factors were hypertension and sedentary lifestyle. In sit and stand up test in a minute performed 17.0 (16.0-22.0) repetitions, maximum inspiratory pressure 62.0 (50.0-80.0) cmH2O, maximum expiratory pressure 78.0 (64.0-99.0)  cmH2O and walked 452.5 (416.1-503.2) meters in the walk test in six minutes. CONCLUSION: The patients registered on the waiting list in our study had a good physical functional and cardiorespiratory fitness. The time to diagnosis of renal disease was moderately and negatively correlated with maximal expiratory pressure. Waiting time did not correlate with lower limb muscle resistance, muscle strength respiratory and submaximal functional capacity.


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Author Biographies

  • Daniela da Silva Martins

    Estudante do Curso de Fisioterapia da UNIJUI, Ijuí, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, e-mail:

  • Paula Caitano Fontela
    Mestre em Ciências Pneumológicas pela UFRGS, Ijuí, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, e-mail:
  • Maria Leocadia Bernardes do Amaral Padilha
    Médica nefrologista do HCI, Ijuí, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, e-mail:
  • Eliane Roseli Winkelmann, Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul.

    Profa Eliane Roseli Winkelmann, Dra
    Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul - UNIJUI

    Departamento de Ciências da VIda – DCVida/Laboratório de Fisiopatologia do Exercício

    Fisioterapeuta,  Doutora em Ciências da Saúde: Ciências cardiovasculares pela UFRGS, Mestre de Ciências Biológicas: Fisiologia pela UFRGS, Especialização em Fisioterapia Cardiorrespiratória, Especialização em Acupuntura

    Docente do DCVida na UNIJUI; Membro do Núcleo de Pesquisa DCVida; Comitê de Pós graduação Stricto sensu UNIJUI /Delegada  e membro da Comissão de Ensino do Crefito-5 e Membro da Assobrafir
    Fone: 3332 0461 trabalho  UNIJUI , 3332 3839 res. 99224402 cel /e-mail:





Original Articles

How to Cite

da Silva Martins D, Caitano Fontela P, Bernardes do Amaral Padilha ML, Winkelmann ER. Physical-functional and cardiorrespiratory analysis of waiting list patients for the renal transplantation: cross-sectional study. Rev Pesq Fisio [Internet]. 2018 Sep. 17 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];8(1):63-70. Available from:

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