
  • Elenice Gomes Ferreira Centro Universitário Cesumar (UNICESUMAR)
  • Patrícia Almeida Pereira Centro Universitário Cesumar (UNICESUMAR)
  • Andiárie Nogueira Costa Centro Universitário Cesumar (UNICESUMAR)
  • Mateus Dias Antunes Centro Universitário Cesumar (UNICESUMAR)
  • Daniel Vicentini de Oliveira Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) Faculdade Metropolitana de Maringá (FAMMA)



Physical activity, Cardiovascular disease, Hypertension


Objective: To evaluate the change in blood pressure in hypertensive individuals users of thewho attend gyms for seniors at two different times of the day. Metodology: This is an observational and cross-sectional study. The sample consisted of 40 subjects of both genders, hypertensive, and that made the use of antihypertensive medications, aged over 50 years, users of the Academies of the Third Age of the city of Maringa, Parana State . Height, weight, body mass index, waist circumference, blood pressure measurement and evaluation of quality of life for Minichal-Brasil, were the variables analyzed. Based on descriptive statistics through absolute and relative mean and standard deviation data were presented. Results: There was a predominance of males and the average age was 60.55 years. Both sexes were overweight, and women had higher rates of abdominal circumference. They were similar to the systolic levels being among the normal parameters, since diastolic after the completion of the exercise when compared with the initial measurements, there were no major changes in both periods of daily verification. Conclusion: It was concluded that there were no major changes in systolic and diastolic blood pressure in different age groups according to the morning shift and night in order to expose individuals to cardiovascular attacks. Individuals hypertension , physical activity and practitioners who make regular use of antihypertensive medication , showed maintain a good quality of life.


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Author Biographies

  • Elenice Gomes Ferreira, Centro Universitário Cesumar (UNICESUMAR)

    Graduada em Fisioterapia.

    Mestre em Ciências da Saúde (UEM)

    Docente no Departamento de Fisioterapia do UNICESUMAR

  • Patrícia Almeida Pereira, Centro Universitário Cesumar (UNICESUMAR)
    Graduada em Fisioterapia (UNICESUMAR)
  • Andiárie Nogueira Costa, Centro Universitário Cesumar (UNICESUMAR)
    Graduada em Fisioterapia (UNICESUMAR)
  • Mateus Dias Antunes, Centro Universitário Cesumar (UNICESUMAR)
    Graduado em Fisioterapia (UNICESUMAR)
    Mestrando em Promoção da Saúde (UNICESUMAR)
  • Daniel Vicentini de Oliveira, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) Faculdade Metropolitana de Maringá (FAMMA)
    Graduado em Educação física e fisioterapia (UNICESUMAR)
    Mestre em Promoção da Saúde (UNICESUMAR)
    Doutorando em Gerontologia (UNICAMP)
    Docente no departamento de Educação física da FAMMA





Original Articles

How to Cite

Gomes Ferreira E, Almeida Pereira P, Nogueira Costa A, Dias Antunes M, Vicentini de Oliveira D. PRESSURE ASSESSMENT IN BLOOD HYPERTENSIVE PHYSICAL ACTIVITY PRACTITIONERS. Rev Pesq Fisio [Internet]. 2016 Nov. 25 [cited 2025 Jan. 3];6(4). Available from:

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