The woman in social vulnerability and family violence




Vulnerability, Violence against women, Family relationships


INTRODUCTION: Female vulnerability and violence against women are recurring and inexhaustible themes that permeate humanity, which permeates humanity, that is conceptualized as patriarchal since the beginning. Based on this, this article aims to reflect on the condition of women in social vulnerability and their relation to the phenomenon of family violence. METHOD: The methodological approach adopted is an exploratory study of the descriptive observational type. For the data collection, a non-probabilistic, intentional sample of 100 workers from a multinational company in the interior of the state of Rio Grande do Sul was selected. These spontaneously responded to a questionnaire. Afterwards, a group interview was conducted (focus group in 10 meetings), with six workers agreeing to participate. CONCLUSION: From this study, it was concluded that working women in situations of social vulnerability have common characteristics, such as low education, low financial conditions, unstructured families, in addition to a lack of understanding of the context of family violence itself and its confrontation.


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Original Articles

How to Cite

Ávila, J. da S., & Areosa, S. V. C. (2023). The woman in social vulnerability and family violence. Revista Psicologia, Diversidade E Saúde, 12, e4821.

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