Giracardio: educational game for the promotion of cardiovascular health in fairgrounds




Health education, Games, Educational technology, Health promotion, Cardiovascular Health


OBJECTIVES: To describe the process of elaboration of the educational game GIRACARDIO for the promotion of cardiovascular health on fairgrounds and to report the impressions of the public about the applicability of the educational technology. METHODS: This is a multi-method survey carried out in February 2020 at the Public Market of Sobral-Ceará, with a final sample of twenty marketers. The collection was carried out through the application of educational technology and the use of a quality of life questionnaire. Data treatment was carried out through thematic content analysis. RESULTS: There was a significant adherence by the public during the educational technology application, facilitating the moment of health education based on the healthy habits and alertness for cardiovascular risks promotion. The giracardio was configured as a facilitating instrument for teaching and learning, contributing to a health education different from the traditional ones, and pointed out the benefits of the use of educational games by nursing. CONCLUSION: The application of Giracardio favored teaching-learning, which led to a positive evaluation of the educational technology by the target audience. For nursing, the research added scientificity about the benefits of using light technologies in health care, with a focus on educational games.


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How to Cite

Teixeira de Sousa Santos L, Cardoso da Frota K, Canafistula de Souza FD, de Azevedo Ponte KM. Giracardio: educational game for the promotion of cardiovascular health in fairgrounds. Rev Enf Contemp [Internet]. 2022 May 23 [cited 2024 Oct. 6];11:e4191. Available from:

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