Prevalence of nursing diagnostics in oil industry workers in Bahia, Brazil


  • Lilian Monteiro Ferrari Viterbo UFP Energy, Environment and Health Research Unit (FP-ENAS), University Fernando Pessoa, 4249-004 Porto, Portugal
  • Ingrid Bonfim Silva Federal University of Bahia, School of Nursing, 40110-907 Bahia, Brazil
  • Jamile Santos Ferreira Leite Federal University of Bahia, School of Nursing, 40110-907 Bahia, Brazil
  • Diogo Guedes Vidal UFP Energy, Environment and Health Research Unit (FP-ENAS), University Fernando Pessoa, 4249-004 Porto, Portugal
  • Andreia de Moura Digital Human-Environment Interaction Lab (HEI-Lab), Lusófona University of Porto (ULP), 4000-098 Porto, Portugal
  • Maria Alzira Pimenta Dinis UFP Energy, Environment and Health Research Unit (FP-ENAS), University Fernando Pessoa, 4249-004 Porto, Portugal



Nursing. Occupational Health. Standardized Nursing Terminology.


OBJECTIVE: To describe the prevalence of nursing diagnostics and to analyse differences between the groups according to the indicator created from the diagnoses and intervention of the CIPE® relating to job satisfaction. METHOD: 869 workers attending the occupational health assessments of an oil industry with nurse practitioners, using a data collection form to support clinical reasoning in the definition of diagnostics and intervention, with CIPE®. Data collected were grouped into five indicators: food aspects, interpersonal relationships, physical health, health behaviours and working conditions. RESULTS: 13 types of diagnoses and 18 interventions were mapped, being the most prevalent "job satisfaction" (85.0 %) and "promoting healthy relationship and communication techniques" (76.3 %), respectively. The student's t-test was used to compare scores of the five indicators between the groups. The "satisfied at work" revealed better interpersonal relationships (p < 0.001). The group intervened with the initiative "to promote healthy relationships and communication techniques and to encourage healthy relationships" demonstrates better interpersonal relationships (p < 0.01) and better physical health (p < 0.05). The best working conditions (p < 0.01) were identified in the group subject to "other interventions". CONCLUSION: Structured performance of the nurse practitioner in the worker healthcare enables the development of strategies aimed at implementing improvements within organizational aspects of the nursing work.


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Author Biographies

  • Lilian Monteiro Ferrari Viterbo, UFP Energy, Environment and Health Research Unit (FP-ENAS), University Fernando Pessoa, 4249-004 Porto, Portugal
    Graduada em Enfermagem (2000), com Mestrado em Tecnologias em Saúde (2017) pela Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública, Brasil. Doutoranda em Ecologia e Saúde Ambiental pela Universidade Fernando Pessoa, Porto, Portugal. Especialista em Enfermagem do Trabalho pelo Centro Educacional São Camilo, Brasil. Especialista em MBA em Gerência de Saúde pela Fundação Getúlio Vargas, FGV, Brasil. Especialista em Ergonomia pela Universidade Federal Fluminense, UFF, Brasil. É professora da Universidade Petrobras. Atua na área de Saúde do Trabalhador, especialmente em Gestão em Saúde do Trabalhador, desenvolvendo programas de promoção e proteção da saúde, assim como ações para a recuperação e reabilitação da saúde dos trabalhadores submetidos aos riscos e agravos advindos das condições de trabalho.
  • Ingrid Bonfim Silva, Federal University of Bahia, School of Nursing, 40110-907 Bahia, Brazil
    Especialização em Enfermagem do Trabalho pelo Instituto Atualiza Cursos
  • Jamile Santos Ferreira Leite, Federal University of Bahia, School of Nursing, 40110-907 Bahia, Brazil
    Especialização em Enfermagem do Trabalho pelo Instituto Atualiza Cursos
  • Diogo Guedes Vidal, UFP Energy, Environment and Health Research Unit (FP-ENAS), University Fernando Pessoa, 4249-004 Porto, Portugal
    Diogo Guedes Vidal holds a Degree (2014) and a Master Degree (2016) in Sociology (specialized in Sociology of Territory and City) from the University of Porto, Portugal. He starts his professional activity during the development of his master research as collaborator in a research project at Institute of Sociology of the University of Porto. Between September 2016 and January 2017 he had been sociologist in a market research company. Since 2017 he is research fellow at UFP Energy, Environment and Health Research Unit of University Fernando Pessoa where he is PhD student in Ecology and Environmental Health. Since 2018 he is research collaborator at Bahiana School of Medicine and Public Health. Since 2019 he is researcher at REPORT(H)A - Portuguese network dedicated to Environmental History.
  • Maria Alzira Pimenta Dinis, UFP Energy, Environment and Health Research Unit (FP-ENAS), University Fernando Pessoa, 4249-004 Porto, Portugal
    Maria Alzira Pimenta Dinis, PhD, MSc (( / is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Science and Technology (, University Fernando Pessoa (, Porto, Portugal. She obtained the PhD degree in Earth Sciences (2010) at the Faculty of Science and Technology, University Fernando Pessoa, Portugal. She is an investigator at FP-ENAS, UFP Energy, Environment and Health Research Unit ( Main research domains: Earth Sciences, Environmental Engineering, Probability and Statistics. 2019-Present: Editorial Advisory Board Member, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, Taylor & Francis (






Original Articles

How to Cite

Viterbo LMF, Silva IB, Leite JSF, Vidal DG, Moura A de, Dinis MAP. Prevalence of nursing diagnostics in oil industry workers in Bahia, Brazil. Rev Enf Contemp [Internet]. 2020 Jul. 15 [cited 2024 Dec. 21];9(2):149-5. Available from:

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