Flow, anxiety and connection: a fresh reading on the empirical literature





Social psychology, Behaviour, Consciousness states, Anxiety, Human interaction


INTRODUCTION: What is the relation between flow, anxiety and connection? OBJECTIVE: Finding and unravelling the possible associations between the three mentioned phenomena. METHODS: Exploration of the empirical literature related to the themes in question and simultaneous narrative construction of a new theoretical approach. RESULTS: The antagonistic relation between flow and anxiety is shown and the role of human connection as a catalyst for the first and a preventive remedy against the second is highlighted. CONCLUSION: Possible lines of future research emerge.


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Review Studies

How to Cite

Flow, anxiety and connection: a fresh reading on the empirical literature. (2022). Revista Psicologia, Diversidade E Saúde, 11, e4219. https://doi.org/10.17267/2317-3394rpds.2022.e4219

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