Disinfection of molding material in the daily clinic: An Integrative Literature Review


  • Amanda Carolini Marques de Melo
  • Daniela Maria Santos Falcão
  • Viviane Colares
  • Viviane Maria Gonçalves de Figueiredo




Prosthodontics. Dental Impression Materials. Coronavirus Infections.


INTRODUCTION: It is essential to use substances and techniques for disinfecting the molds in order to prevent cross-infection during the act of molding. OBJECTIVE: To review the literature in an integrative way on the disinfection of impression material in the daily clinic. METHOD: The research was carried out by Lilacs and PubMed with the search strategy ("dental impression materials" OR "disinfection techniques"). The inclusion criteria were complete articles that addressed the methods of disinfecting the impression materials. Randomized clinical studies, systematic review, observational clinical study, and laboratory study published between 2010 and 2020 and written in Portuguese, English, or Spanish were selected. The exclusion criteria were articles that addressed other properties of the impression materials, related only to the digital flow, on the effects of ultraviolet radiation in the clinical environment, studies on root canal disinfection, and all productions that did not contain the studied variables. RESULTS: Clinical and laboratory studies were the most prevalent (04 articles). All the disinfectants and techniques promoted the disinfection of the molding materials, even the washing in water. Sodium hypochlorite was the most researched substance in different concentrations and irreversible hydrocolloid for impression materials. CONCLUSION: Washing with water added to the action of a substance or disinfection technique is favorable for reducing microorganisms on the mold and avoiding cross-contamination in the dental clinic. 


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Literature Review

How to Cite

Disinfection of molding material in the daily clinic: An Integrative Literature Review. (2021). Journal of Dentistry & Public Health (inactive Archive Only), 12(2), 115-124. https://doi.org/10.17267/2596-3368dentistry.v12i2.3772

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