Behavioral therapy associated with neuromodulation in the treatment of bladder and bowel in individuals with Parkinson's: a pilot study


  • Maria Aneilma Ribeiro Azevedo INSTITUTO SANTOS DUMONT
  • Lilian Lira Lisboa
  • Cléa Emanuela Barreto de Medeiros
  • Valéria Azevedo de Almeida
  • Rafael Pauletti Gonçalves



Parkinson Disease. Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation. Urinary Incontinence. Constipation.


AIMS: The study aims to evaluate the effects of behavioral therapy associated to neuromodulation at neurogenic bladder and bowel on Parkinson Disease. METHODS: It’s a pilot study. After signing consent forms, participants had evaluation of elimination functions, quality of life and Parkinson’s staging through specific instruments. Subjects had sixteen sessions of parasacral neuromodulation and comportamental therapy attendance. RESULTS: Revaluation showed improvement of urinary and evacuatory symptoms and quality of life domain. There was also an increase in bladder capacity which, although not significant, expresses improvement in the clinical condition expressed by the patient. Improvements at evacuatory frequency, feces consistency and evacuation strain were also found. CONCLUSION: The study results suggest that neuromodulation associated with behavioral therapy is a low cost procedure which shows significant results to urinary symptoms and improvements to quality of life measurements to domains of activities of daily living, emotional well-being, stigma, social support, cognition, communication and bodily discomfort.


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How to Cite

Azevedo MAR, Lisboa LL, de Medeiros CEB, de Almeida VA, Gonçalves RP. Behavioral therapy associated with neuromodulation in the treatment of bladder and bowel in individuals with Parkinson’s: a pilot study. Rev Pesq Fisio [Internet]. 2021 Feb. 9 [cited 2024 Oct. 2];11(1):50-8. Available from:

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