Choosing Wisely Brazil initiative for Women’s Health/Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy: study protocol




Evidence-Based Practice, Clinical Decision Making, Health education, Recommendations


INTRODUCTION: The Choosing Wisely initiative aims to promote discussions among health professionals and patients to reduce low-value care that confers no benefit or can cause harm to health. OBJECTIVE: To describe the process for developing the Brazilian Choosing Wisely list for Women’s Health/Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy. METHODS: The research will be conducted in three stages. In the first stage, physical therapists with experience in women’s health/pelvic floor will be invited to compose a panel of experts and respond to a form. The Delphi method will be used to derive a list of evidence-based statements. In the second stage, members of the research team will review all the recommendations provided by the expert panel. In the third stage, a sample of physical therapists will vote on the previously selected statements. The recommendations with the most votes in the national survey will be submitted to Choosing Wisely Brazil, and a final list of recommendations will be published.


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Choosing Wisely

How to Cite

Driusso P, Reis FJJ dos, Rodrigues JC, Pasqualotto L, Catai CC, Mascarenhas LR, et al. Choosing Wisely Brazil initiative for Women’s Health/Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy: study protocol. Evidence [Internet]. 2022 Nov. 16 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];4:e4354. Available from:

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