External review of the SBC Guidelines according to the AGREE II tool - Do we need to review our Guidelines?
Guideline [Publication Type], Methods, CardiologyAbstract
INTRODUCTION: Clinical guidelines should be systematically prepared documents that aim primarily to provide the best available medical information to support the decisions of patients and health professionals. Managers can also use them for the formulation of public policies. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the methodological quality of three clinical guidelines of the Brazilian Society of Cardiology (SBC) according to an internationally accepted tool for this purpose and suggest improvements to the preparation of such documents. METHODS: Twelve independent evaluators (four per document) used the AGREE II tool to methodologically evaluate three clinical guidelines of the SBC that address issues of extreme importance and prevalence in the human population: arterial hypertension, diabetes, and dyslipidaemia. RESULTS: According to the evaluations of the three guidelines, due to the low scores received in the domains Stakeholder Involvement, Applicability of the Guideline, and, especially, Rigor of Development, two of them were deemed to have an unsatisfactory elaboration method. CONCLUSION: The methodological quality of the clinical guidelines of the SBC was deemed unsatisfactory. In this article, we suggest strategies to improve the process of preparing future documents.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Leonardo Castro Luna, Carlos Alberto Magliano, Renata Medina dos Santos, Breno Macedo de Almeida, Antonio Fatorelli, Renata de Souza Pina Alves Barata, Leandro Calixto de Andrade, Paula Aguieiras Maiolino, Marisa Santos, Rafael Pereira, Thiago Derminio Cavalcanti de Albuquerque, Jéssica Ribeiro

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