Nursing care and identifying responsibility for people with autism spectrum disorder




Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Nursing


OBJECTIVE: To analyze how nurses who provide care to people diagnosed with autism involve the interaction between the biological and social environment, in the context of responsibility. METHOD: Basic, exploratory, descriptive, qualitative research. Data collection took place through semi-structured interviews and analysis through thematic categorical analysis. RESULTS: 03 nurses, teachers, aged between 36 and 54 years old, postgraduates in pediatrics, training time of 10 to 22 years participated, and who during their professional practice took care of autistic children. Two thematic categories were created: “Responsibility for obtaining the diagnosis” and “Responsibility for therapeutic intervention”. The first category emphasizes the importance of identifying signs of autism in children and highlights the collaborative role of parents and educators in recognizing early indicators of autism. The second category addresses the importance of monitoring by a qualified health professional to carry out the recommended therapies. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: The responsibility for caring for autistic people in the context of diagnosis and interventions needs to be shared between parents, family, health professionals, school and society through a personalized and comprehensive approach that considers the unique needs and characteristics of each individual with autism.


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How to Cite

da Silva LMF, Sandri JVV de A, Chesani FH, Bossardi CN, Gouvea PB. Nursing care and identifying responsibility for people with autism spectrum disorder. Rev Enf Contemp [Internet]. 2024 Aug. 29 [cited 2024 Oct. 28];13:e5587. Available from:

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