Patient safety centers in the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil: potentials and challenges




Risk Management, Quality of Heath Care, Patient Safety


OBJECTIVE: To understand the potentials and challenges of the work of Patient Safety Centers (PSCs) in public hospitals in the state of Espírito Santo. METHODS AND MATERIALS: This is a qualitative study conducted through eight individual interviews with professionals working in PSCs in public hospitals. Subsequently, the data were subjected to thematic analysis. RESULTS: Eight categories emerged, with the first six being: Team turnover; Workload overload; Lack of professional involvement and undervaluation; Lack of professional experience in the field; Challenges in the practical implementation of patient safety actions; and Recognition/engagement. It is worth noting that, of these six categories, only the last one is a facilitator for the PSC's operation. The last two categories listed also serve as facilitators, but they were presented by only one interviewee, namely: Organizational structure of the PSC and Efficient management of action plans. CONCLUSION: Several challenges were identified to be overcome for the National Patient Safety Program to implement its guidelines and, thus, to strengthen the culture of safety in healthcare facilities, ultimately impacting the quality of care provided.


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How to Cite

Portugal FB, Coslop S, Costa MSC, Wandekoken KD. Patient safety centers in the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil: potentials and challenges. Rev Enf Contemp [Internet]. 2024 Mar. 20 [cited 2024 Oct. 2];13:e5453. Available from:

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