Theatre as a training methodology in nursing graduation




Didactics, Nursing, Teaching, Simulation Exercise, Simulation Training


OBJECTIVE: To understand the contributions of the Theatre in a Simulation format, to be used as a learning tool for nursing education, and how it may influence clinical competence. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Integrative literature review carried out from searches in databases and BDENF using the keywords: “Nursing teaching”, “Simulation” and “Theatre”, published in Portuguese, Spanish and English. RESULTS: 169 articles were found, and after selection, 21 articles were integrated into the corpus of this research. The strategies that most contributed to training and knowledge were Role Play and Simulated Patient and Realistic Simulation. Brazil and Chile led this initiative, with the Brazilian HEIs coming first.  The development of teamwork contributed to interpersonal relationships during the practice and creating an experience for future professional exercises.  The development of teamwork also contributed to the reduction of anxiety during patient care, and greater criticality in identifying measures for patient safety. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: It is possible to consider that the Simulation type of Theatre has great methodological potential. It has been gaining ground as an active teaching strategy, and highlighted by nursing students as a strategy and important means for the formation of clinical practice.


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Literature Reviews: Systematic or Integrative (only)

How to Cite

Souza N dos R, da Silva RS, Suto CSS, Costa LEL. Theatre as a training methodology in nursing graduation. Rev Enf Contemp [Internet]. 2023 Jul. 7 [cited 2025 Mar. 11];12:e5183. Available from:

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