Experience of a public university in the production of technologies for the protection of workers in the COVID-19 Pandemic





Technological Equipment, Individual protection equipment, Health Professionals, Health Projects, Prevention


OBJECTIVE: to describe the experience of production and distribution of personal protective equipment of the face shiled type within the scope of the UEFS-PROVIDAS project. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Experience report, with the participation of professors and volunteers linked to State University of Feira de Santana, Bahia, Brazil between March and May 2020 in three stages: planning, proposal construction and fundraising; execution, with operationalization of the proposal; distribution of face shields. RESULTS: The experience in producing technologies for the protection of workers in the COVID-19 pandemic occurred in stages. Its execution enabled the production of 6,227 (six thousand, two hundred and twenty-seven) face shields, benefiting more than 6,000 (six thousand) workers who worked on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic in 90 health institutions. CONCLUSION: It was possible to describe the experience of production and distribution of personal protective equipment of the face shield type. The project reached health workers in the second largest city in Bahia and its micro-region, strengthening the inseparable articulation of scientific knowledge produced at the university, meeting the demands of society in times of a pandemic to reduce the vulnerability of workers.


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Experience Reports

How to Cite

da Silva Santana T, Pereira Portela P, Ariane Cedraz Morais A, Emanuelle Peixoto de Souza K, Antonio Morais Marques J, Santa Bárbara da Silva S, et al. Experience of a public university in the production of technologies for the protection of workers in the COVID-19 Pandemic. Rev Enf Contemp [Internet]. 2022 Mar. 14 [cited 2024 Dec. 21];11:e4178. Available from: https://www5.bahiana.edu.br/index.php/enfermagem/article/view/4178

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