Scientific production of medical school students at a private institution: a cross-sectional study


  • Samantha Almeida Máximo União Metropolitana para o Desenvolvimento da Educação e Cultura – UNIME (Lauro de Freitas). Bahia, Brasil.
  • Alice Santos Bastos União Metropolitana para o Desenvolvimento da Educação e Cultura – UNIME (Lauro de Freitas). Bahia, Brasil.
  • Alexandry Libiny Souza Nunes União Metropolitana para o Desenvolvimento da Educação e Cultura – UNIME (Lauro de Freitas). Bahia, Brasil.
  • Regiane Patrícia Oliveira Miranda União Metropolitana para o Desenvolvimento da Educação e Cultura – UNIME (Lauro de Freitas). Bahia, Brasil.
  • Cristina Aires Brasil União Metropolitana para o Desenvolvimento da Educação e Cultura – UNIME (Lauro de Freitas). Bahia, Brasil.
  • Amanda Queiroz Lemos União Metropolitana para o Desenvolvimento da Educação e Cultura – UNIME (Lauro de Freitas). Bahia, Brasil.



Curriculum, Medical Education, Research, Scientific Publication Indicators


INTRODUCTION: Although it is guaranteed by the National Curricular Guidelines for the medical course, the incentive for scientific production is not seen in practice in most private universities in Brazil. OBJECTIVE: Quantify the scientific production of students based on the mandatory curricular component in the practice of research in the Medicine course at a private institution in Lauro de Freitas, Bahia. METHODOLOGY: This is a cross-sectional study. Data collection was carried out using an online questionnaire, via the Google Forms® platform. Medicine students who had completed the full workload of the mandatory curricular component were included, and the students' scientific production and research experience were evaluated. RESULTS: 100 students answered the questionnaire, the majority of whom (96%) have Curriculum Lattes, but only 28 periodically updated it. All participated in events and/or congresses, 27 presented scientific work in the last year, and 26 participated in research groups linked to CNPq. Within the period studied, 32 (46.4%) articles were published, and 14 articles were published in indexed scientific journals of national impact, showing an increase in the quality of publications over the years. There was a 280% increase in the number of students covered by the scientific initiation scholarship, mainly as volunteers. CONCLUSION: In five years, 69 projects were produced, and 32 (46.4%) scientific publications were generated. A 280% increase in the number of students awarded scientific initiation scholarships.



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Original Articles

How to Cite

Máximo SA, Bastos AS, Nunes ALS, Miranda RPO, Brasil CA, Lemos AQ. Scientific production of medical school students at a private institution: a cross-sectional study. Intern J Educ H [Internet]. 2024 Mar. 22 [cited 2025 Mar. 26];8:e5461. Available from:

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