Changes in the dynamics of an interest group in times of COVID-19: an experience report
Education, Medical, Education, Distance, COVID-19, Interest groupsAbstract
INTRODUCTION: Complementary academical activities, such as Interest groups, are essential for the medical training. The SARS-CoV-2 pandemical context, however, imposed barriers in its functioning, and for the Pre-Hospital Emergencies Interest Group, it was no different. The achievement of the same goals during a scenario of abrupt virtualization of human relationships required innovative approaches that could optimize theoretical-practical and interpersonal learning. REPORT: The pre-pandemic context was based on face-to-face sessions, where knowledge was built through classes and courses given by the interest group members. The practical aspect was based on simulations and practical training, experiences that stimulated the integration between the students. However, the pandemic established the need to adapt the methodologies previously used. In the theoretical scope, video classes are made available for prior study, and then the contents of each are deepened in a virtual meeting, when students get to solve residency exam exercises and interactive clinical cases. Finally, to avoid losses in the integration between members, measures such as random divisions of subgroups for projects, as well as the habits of turning on webcams and providing constructive feedbacks about the performance of the members were instituted. DISCUSSION: The obstacles faced include the distance from interpersonal relationships and damage to the acquisition of teaching and practical skills, which are both fundamental to the medical experience. Despite these losses, medical education also obtained benefits, which are revealed by the greater flexibility of schedules, retention enhancing through review methods and knowledge increase by the discussion of scientific articles, in addition to the practice of giving and receiving constant feedback. Thus, ways to integrate these resources even after the pandemic is over have been discussed.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Gabriela Malaquias Barreto Gomes, Ana Beatriz de Oliveira Andrade, Larissa Melo Targino, Fernando Muti Carvalho, Beatriz Silva Silveira, Epaminondas de Souza Mendes Junior

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.