Maternal device in relation to the condition of breastfeeding women living with HIV




Gender Vulnerability, HIV, Breastfeeding


INTRODUCTION: Many roles are socially assigned to women in the context of motherhood and especially in the breastfeeding process. In the context of women living with HIV/AIDS, breastfeeding and the risk of vertical transmission of HIV point to particular implications. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to discuss the impacts of gender devices and technologies related to the experiences of women living with HIV and in the process of breastfeeding. METHODS: For this purpose, based on a qualitative and exploratory design, a literature review was conducted in Scielo, Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS) and Biblioteca Digital de Periódicos platforms, allowing the exploration of issues in the light of productions on the theme and making possible reflections about the topics addressed. We also sought to select and include books and other classical works relevant to this specific theme. RESULTS: Seven publications were selected, according to the relationship with the objectives of this study, in addition to other works with relevance to the theme in question, which revealed the existence of ambivalent feelings such as anger, sadness, feelings of guilt, and the need to protect the child from the (im)possibility of transmitting HIV. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: The search indicates that there is a wide possibility of establishing historically, socially, and culturally the relationship between gender technology, maternal device, and vertical transmission of HIV.


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Review Studies

How to Cite

Mazuze, B. S. D., Borges, T. D. de S., & Selemane, J. M. (2022). Maternal device in relation to the condition of breastfeeding women living with HIV. Revista Psicologia, Diversidade E Saúde, 11, e4095.

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