
  • Lívia Prates Soares Zerbinati
  • Mariana de Assis Oliveira Pinto
  • Roberta Lima Santos
  • Raissa de Castro Silva Lacerda Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Publica




Laser, Applicability, Knowledge


Laser equipment, surgical or therapeutic, have been extensively used in the dental area, which has therefore benefits to the patients. Of wavelength, power and frequency different lasers show many applicabilities. However, both patient and health professionals still lack adequate knowledge of its use, and may cause a lower than expected results or even damage tissue. This work aims to conduct an assessment on the knowledge of the laser between teachers and students of Dentistry on Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública. This sectional population study of the instrument was developed through analysis of a questionnaire composed of closed questions, in order to assess the degree of knowledge about the characteristics and applications of laser in its different specialties Dental. In our results we observed that the population of the institution studied the number of students was 64 respondents and 25 respondents teachers, a low percentage of students of Dentistry has demonstrated knowledge of the laser. It was observed that there is little reporting on this subject in graduation. With regard to teachers, as professionals in health, there was also a low leve of knowledge on the Laser and its resources. In our results we observed that the population of the institution studied the number of students was 64 respondents 25 teachers respondents from the total of 528 students and 76 teachers attending the institution. A low percentage of students of Dentistry has demonstrated knowledge about laser therapy , which only 28.6 % of the participating students knew the meaning of the word laser and only 11.7 % of students had a lesson on the subject . Also it was found that there is little transmission of information in the course of Dentistry because 85.7 % of students reported that they had no class on this feature graduation. With respect to teachers, as professionals in the health field , there was also a low level of knowledge about the laser and its resources, only 1 % of teachers have said this during graduation, while 36 % said to have acquired this knowledge in postgraduate . Regarding offering a course directed to the laser, only 16 % reported having sought, but the minority with 80 % says no. These results demonstrate the need to implement the transmission of knowledge and literature on the laser, both in undergraduate and in Dentistry graduate, since this feature is having positive results in the dental office and has been increasingly implemented in the daily clinical.


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Author Biographies

  • Lívia Prates Soares Zerbinati

    Doutora em Cirurgia e Traumatologia Bucomaxilofacial, Mestre em Cirurgia e Traumatologia, Bucomaxilofacial, Especialista em Cirurgia e Traumatologia Bucomaxilofacial, Professora do Curso de Odontologia da UNIME e Professora do Curso de Odontologia da Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Publica.

  • Mariana de Assis Oliveira Pinto
    Graduada em Odontologia pela Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Publica
  • Roberta Lima Santos
    Graduada em Odontologia pela Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Publica





Original Articles

How to Cite

EVALUATION OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF LASER BETWEEN STUDENTS AND TEACHERS OF COURSE DENTISTRY. (2014). Journal of Dentistry & Public Health (inactive Archive Only), 5(1). https://doi.org/10.17267/2596-3368dentistry.v5i1.258

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