
  • Amanda Affonsêca Pedreira Mestranda em Estomatologia pela Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública
  • Maíra Sá Graduanda em Odontologia pela Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública
  • Alena Peixoto Medrado EBMSP



Oral Surgery, Laser therapy, Pain, Postoperative complications and molar third


Dental extraction is a procedure involving bones and soft tissues trauma. The intervention severity, dental units location, tissue consistency and  the degree of bone destruction are variables that influences the presence or absence of postoperative deleterious effects, particularly regarding the third molar extraction.  The low-level-laser therapy (LLLT) has been used clinically to accelerate wound healing and pain control. However, while laser therapy is now indicated after extraction of third molars, its use has been rarely prescribed. This article aims to perform a literature review on the use of laser therapy during the third molars surgical removal postoperative phase.


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Author Biography

  • Alena Peixoto Medrado, EBMSP
    Doutora em Patologia Humana


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Literature Review

How to Cite

THE USE OF LOW-LEVEL-LASER THERAPY AFTER THIRD MOLARS EXTRACTION: A LITERATURE REVIEW. (2013). Journal of Dentistry & Public Health (inactive Archive Only), 4(1).