Clinical and demographic characteristics of mothers and newborns seen at the David Capistrano Filho birthing center/RJ




Natural childbirth, Humanizing delivery, Newborn Infant, Obstetric Nursing


OBJECTIVE: To describe the clinical and demographic characteristics of mothers and newborns treated at a birthing center. METHOD: Cross-sectional epidemiological research with retrospective collection in a medical records database of a birthing center in the city of Rio de Janeiro with 949 neonates for the period 2014 and 2018. RESULTS: Most of the women declared themselves to be Black (64.9%), the prevalent age group was 20 to 34 years old (81.3%), and prenatal care started in the second gestational trimester (53.5%). Regarding newborn characteristics, 50.8% were female and weighed 3.000g or more (73.3%). The Apgar score in the first (98.7%) and in the fifth minute (99.6%) were greater than 7. Breastfeeding (98.3%) and skin-to-skin contact (99.3%) were performed in most births, as well as late and timely clamping (98.6%), administration of vitamin K (97.8%) and Hepatitis B vaccine (97.4%). Most newborns did not need upper airway aspiration (97.4%) and resuscitation maneuvers (97.5%). CONCLUSION: The data point to a profile of young adult mothers and newborns, most of whom are healthy, for whom care was provided based on good practices recommended by the national guidelines for normal childbirth care in Brazil.


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How to Cite

Neves N, Medina ET, Mouta RJO, Silva SC de SB, Mesquita NQ de, Silva ALS. Clinical and demographic characteristics of mothers and newborns seen at the David Capistrano Filho birthing center/RJ. Rev Enf Contemp [Internet]. 2022 Sep. 5 [cited 2025 Jan. 31];11:e4512. Available from:

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