Epidemiological profile of hospital admissions for pneumonia in Bahia, between 2015 and 2019





Pneumonia, Internment, Bahia, Epidemiology


OBJECTIVE: To describe the epidemiological profile of hospitalizations for pneumonia in the State of Bahia, from 2015 to 2019. METHODS: Ecological, descriptive, and retrospective study, with secondary data from the Hospital Admissions System (SIH), for cases of pneumonia by location of hospitalization, made available by the Department of Informatics of the Unified Health System (DATASUS) between 2015 and 2019. RESULTS: The Southwest and South macro-regions have most cases, representing, respectively, 20.48% and 17.5%. As for age groups, early childhood (from 1 to 4 years old) with 24.6% of cases, and the elderly over 80 years old with 14.1%. Males correspond for 51.9% of cases. Concerning color/race, brown corresponds to 84.8% and black to 4.26%, characterizing the black population in most cases. CONCLUSION: The data reveal that pneumonia represents an important cause of hospital admission, especially in the first years of life or in senescence. Knowledge of the characteristics described, based on data from the Hospitalization System, constitutes a set of important information for planning and monitoring health actions aimed at the most vulnerable populations in the state of Bahia.



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How to Cite

Góis Costa J, Medeiros de Oliveira G, Oliveira Serra do Coni R, Santos Martins de Almeida V, Cesar Costa Cardoso A, Aires Brasil C. Epidemiological profile of hospital admissions for pneumonia in Bahia, between 2015 and 2019. Rev Enf Contemp [Internet]. 2022 May 6 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];11:e4198. Available from: https://www5.bahiana.edu.br/index.php/enfermagem/article/view/4198

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